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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 07/14/08
July 15th, 2008

Selectmen Meeting Minutes of July 14th, 2008
Present: M. Genest, S. Schacht, G. Webber, W. Prokop

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of June 23rd.

2. The selectmen reviewed the six month budget report and review that was prepared by the Town Administrator.
3. The selectmen reviewed the draft report of the 911 Study completed by the NH Department of Safety. The selectmen voted to accept the report and to work with 911 to finalize and implement changes that will be necessary regarding addressing.

4. The selectmen were told by S. Nelkens that she was unhappy with the Town’s No Parking Ordinance and she would like it changed. The selectmen reviewed and discussed it and agreed that no changes were necessary.
5. The selectmen were advised by the Town Administrator that the fire alarm systems for the two fire stations have been ordered and that the W&S Department felt that they could take care of their own needs and make improvements to the old system. Some discussion followed regarding hydrants and fire and safety issues and the selectmen asked the Town Administrator to schedule a meeting with the Water and Sewer Commissioners for sometime in late August or in September.

6. The selectmen reviewed a medical billed that was submitted by a fireman. This will be investigated further and discussed with our insurance companies.

7. The selectmen were advised of the agreement reached between Hillsborough, Antrim, and the McCoy’s regarding the assessment of the McCoy property on Franklin Pierce Lake.

8. The selectmen voted to approve the Perambulation Report of the Antrim/Stoddard town lines and to thank R. Zwirner for representing Antrim and the Board of Selectmen in conducting this walk.

9. The selectmen were advised by the W. Prokop that the North Main Street Bridge Project is now underway. The bridge contract was awarded to CSI and the earthworks portion of the work to Landsite Corporation. The kick-off meeting with the engineers and contractors will be held on Thursday, July 17th, at 9:00 a.m. at Town Hall.

10. The selectmen were advised that we were just notified of our 4th asphalt price increase in 2008. The basic cost is now up to $63.00/ton. We will be holding back on asphalt paving in 2008 due to the high cost. We will have to do some catch up in 2009/2010 if the prices come down to a reasonable level.

11. The selectmen were advised of the “Permission Agreement” that has been approved by PSNH for the Town to use the poles on Main Street to attach our flags.

12. The selectmen reviewed the new Conval payment schedule. The cost to the Town will average $245,000.00 per month. Our school cost has increased approximately $200,000.00 due to a reduction in the State Aid and the budget increase.

13. The selectmen were advised that no firm decision has been made on heating oil at this point. We are working with Hillsborough, and with Conval school system to see what the best method of purchasing will be.

14... The selectmen approved the payroll for the week and reviewed miscellaneous correspondence.

15. The selectmen voted to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91:4a at 6:25 P.M. to discuss personnel issues.

16. The selectmen went back into public session at 7:20 P.M.

17. The selectmen voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M. The next regular selectmen’s meeting will be August 11th at 5:00 P.M. at Town Hall.